Digital forms_All your tasks are nicely listed and can be consulted from anywhere in the application
Digital Forms: collect and organize your information

In Bizzmine you can quickly create dynamic online forms to record and display data, wherever you are working.

Screenshot Efficient workflow
Flows: automate your workflows without code

Use our powerful and user-friendly workflow to streamline your core business processes.

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Dashboards: real-time interpretation of your data

With Bizzmine you can easily customize dashboards to display your data in an array of ways: pareto analysis, trend analysis, etc.

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Audit Trail: keep track of all actions

The track changes feature is compliant with 21 CFR Part 11 and logs all the actions linked to a registration.

Key features_Permissions and Workspaces
Permissions & Workspaces

Create customized workspaces and set the right permissions.

Key feature_multilingual
Multilingual: choose your own language

Our software speaks many languages.

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Linked Processes

Link any type of process to another and keep a clear overview.

Key features_Integration master data
Integration Master Data

Combine various data types into one platform

Screenshot Personal Tasks with Deadlines
Personal Tasks with Deadlines

All your tasks are nicely listed and can be consulted from anywhere in the application.

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External forms: secure collaboration with external users

By configuring specific forms and permissions, you can still ensure a secure collaboration with external users as step executors.




With dynamic online forms, you record and display data, wherever you work.

With our user-friendly Form Designer, you determine the layout of your form at every step of the workflow process.

Define which fields are read-only or mandatory. This way, you can customize form fields according to the needs of the end user.

The Bizzmine Form Designer is fast, flexible, and without compromises.

It's the ticket to the intelligent automation of your business processes.


We love the flexibility of the system and custom form collections, which gives us the option to replace all manual Word and Excel sheets we are still using today.

- Fresh & Saucy Foods
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Use our powerful workflow to streamline
your core business processes.

Forget the hard IT work. In the no-code Bizzmine platform you can configure
simple to complex processes in a few hours and without technical knowledge.

Give less technical users the opportunity to solve problems with the help of
a drag-and-drop designer.

Bizzmine helps you automate your workflows, regardless of your
professional background.


Creating and validating automated business workflows have probably never been easier.

- Nicklas Helgesson - QA Manager

Discover Bizzmine now




Dashboards are simple to customise, allowing you to display your data in a variety of ways.

Highlight trends with graphs or customize the information displayed with bespoke lists.

Bizzmine lets you present your data in an easily interpretable way.


The dashboards are visually very strong and useful for the analyzes that have to be made.

- DeLaval


Keep track of all your actions in the audit trail.

Our track changes feature is compliant with 21 CFR Part 11 and logs all the actions linked to a registration.

You can perfectly verify who has viewed which record and when, who has completed which step, etc.

Bizzmine also keeps track of who has adjusted which field and what the new value is.

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With the Bizzmine workflow module, our CAPA and MoC processes have been made paperless and are compliant to the requirements of 21 CFR Part 11.

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Create customized workspaces and set the right permissions.

Reading information that isn’t relevant is time-consuming and leads to distraction. Using workspaces in Bizzmine, you can create user specific environments for departments, teams, goals, and many more. This ensures that everyone only sees the relevant information.

Bizzmine has an extensive but easy to configure system of permissions on different levels (collections, workspaces, dashboards, widgets). You can assign rights to individual users or groups of users via function roles.

Bizzmine enables intuitive organization of documents through the options to create workspaces and folder structures.

- GenDx




Our software speaks many languages.

Bizzmine is the perfect tool for companies with multiple locations in different
parts of the world. Users can choose the language in which they prefer to

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The multilingual character of Bizzmine and the support in Dutch are useful advantages.

- Groupe Lactalis



Link any type of process to another and keep a clear overview.

Leave behind the worries of maintaining multiple databases. In Bizzmine, you can link different
processes to each other, such as for instance a CAPA to an audit or a deviation.

These related processes make it easier for you to retrieve the information you need.

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Discover Bizzmine now



Combine various data types into one platform.

Synchronise customer or product data from ERP or CRM applications.

Or let your customers fill in a complaint form on your website so that the data is automatically registered as a new complaint in Bizzmine.

And if you need more advanced integrations, the API offers you the possibility to connect 3rd party applications.

Digital forms_Combine various data types into one platform


All your tasks are nicely listed and can be consulted from anywhere in the application.

A color code indicates whether a task has already exceeded its deadline or not.

Notifications and reminders are also displayed in a similar way in a separate list.

Optionally, Bizzmine can send out email notifications to enable users to keep track of their tasks and deadlines.

Digital forms_All your tasks are nicely listed and can be consulted from anywhere in the application

Everyone knows exactly which tasks and actions to perform, because they are clearly presented in Bizzmine.

- DeLaval


Use external forms for secure collaboration with external users

The 'External Users' feature has been added to allow non-Bizzmine accounts to perform workflow steps.

By configuring specific forms and permissions, you can still ensure a secure collaboration with external users as step executors.